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Wildflower\u0020Seeds\u0020For\u0020Bees Wildflower\u0020Seeds\u0020For\u0020Butterflies Butterfly\u0020and\u0020Bee\u0020Wildflower\u0020Seeds\u0020LWBP\u0020100\u0025 Butterfly\u0020and\u0020Bee\u0020Wildflower\u0020Seeds\u0020LWBP\u0020100\u0025

All Things Bright and Beautiful Bee & Butterfly Wildflower Seeds LWBP 100%

A rich variety of plants with high nectar to attract bees and other pollinators. Get back in touch with nature with our specially-crafted mix of wildflower seeds for bees and butterflies. Using only the most nectar and pollen-rich species, this collection is nothing short of a floral feast for our treasured pollinators, such as the buff-tailed bumblebee and red admiral butterfly.

Brimming with a diverse range of annual and perennial wildflower species, including dozens of the RHS’s recommended ‘Plants for Pollinators’ - there's no better way to get your garden buzzing with life!

Contains 22 different native wildflower species and 4 naturalised 'super-pollinators' for maximum benefit to bees and butterflies - borage, sainfoin, white clover and red clover.

Sowing Rate: 3 grams per sq/m - 1kg covers 330sq/m.

Check out the specification sheet for more details.

  Common Name Latin Name Quantity Flowers Height Type
1 Agrimony, Common Agrimonia eupatoria 1% Jun - Sep 50-150cm Perennial
2 Borage Borago officinalis 7% Aug-Sep 60-80cm Annual
3 Clary, Wild Salvia verbenaca 4% May-Aug 30-40cm Perennial
4 Clover, Red Trifolium pratense 3% May-Sep 20-60cm Perennial
5 Clover, White Trifolium repens 1% Jun-Sep 15-20cm Perennial
6 Corn Cockle Agrostemma githago 8% May-Aug 50-70cm Annual
7 Cornflower Centaurea cyanus 6% Jun-Oct 20-80cm Annual
8 Daisy, Ox-eye Leucanthemum vulgare 5% May-Sep 20-100cm Perennial
9 Foxglove, Wild Digitalis purpurea 3% Jun-Aug 50-100cm Biennial
10 Knapweed, Common Centaurea nigra 6% Jun-Sep 30-80cm Perennial
11 Knapweed, Greater Centaurea scabiosa 5% Jun-Sep 50-90cm Perennial
12 Loosestrife, Purple Lythrum salicaria 1% Jun-Sep 100-200cm Perennial
13 Marjoram, Wild Origanum vulgare 1% Jul-Oct 20-50cm Perennial
14 Meadow Cranesbil Geranium pratense 1% May-Aug 40-60cm Perennial
15 Musk Mallow Malva moschata 5% May-Sep 20-150cm Perennial
16 Poppy, Common Papaver rhoeas 5% May-Jul 50-70cm Annual
17 Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi 2% May-Aug 30-90cm Perennial
18 Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia 7% Jul-Sep 30-40cm Perennial
19 Scabious, Field Knautia arvensis 7% Jul-Sep 30-200cm Perennial
20 Scabious, Small Scabiosa columbaria 3% Jul-Aug 20-60cm Perennial
21 Teasel Dipsacus fullonum 1% Jul-Aug 100-200cm Biennial
22 Trefoil, Bird's-foot Lotus corniculatus 2% Jun-Aug 10-40cm Perennial
23 Vetch, Kidney Anthyllis vulneraria 2% May-Oct 15-50cm Perennial
24 Viper's Bugloss Echium vulgare 2% May-Oct 50-100cm Biennial
25 Yarrow Achillea millefolium 5% Jun-Oct 20-100cm Perennial
26 Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor 7% Jun-Sep 20-50cm Annual

BSBP Mixture Contents

Prepare the Ground

LWBP Butterfly & Bee Wildflower Seed Mix performs best in low nutrient soils, which haven’t been heavily fertilised in the past. For best results sow into bare soil after clearing all existing plants and weeds from the area. Cultivate the ground to a depth of 10cm to relieve compaction and create a fine level tilth, free from obstructions (to allow for mowing at a later stage). Finish the seedbed by treading or lightly rolling the area, so that it is firm enough to stand on without leaving indentations.

Where weeds have been prevalent, allow a flush of weeds to germinate and remove these before sowing. In areas of high fertility, it may be necessary to remove the topsoil and sow into the subsoil. High nutrient soils encourage weeds and fast growing grasses which may outcompete the wildflowers in this mixture. LWBP can be used to overseed into existing grassland, provided the sward comprises only fine leaved grasses and does not include ryegrass, agricultural species or weeds. Cut the grass as short as possible and thoroughly scarify or rake the ground to remove any thatch, moss and other debris from the area.


BSBP should be sown between March and November. Spring and autumn provide ideal conditions as moisture and warmth are in good supply. If overseeding into grass, it is best to sow during autumn when grass growth has slowed down.

Distribute seed with a handheld or pedestrian spreader, at the recommended sowing rate of 3g/sqm. Mix the wildflower seeds with an inert carrier (such as sharp sand), at a ratio of four parts sand to one part seed (by weight). This makes it easier to achieve an even distribution and also provides a visual marker, making it easier to see any missed patches and avoid seeding areas twice.

Regularly mix the seed when sowing, as seeds will naturally separate due to variations in size and weight.

Once sown, ensure good ‘seed to soil’ contact by lightly raking to a depth of 0.5cm or rolling the area. When overseeding this encourages the seeds to fall down to the ground underneath.

It is also possible to broadcast, drill or hydroseed this mixture for larger or hard to reach areas. However, broadcast spreading throws heavier seeds further so this may impact the distribution and when drilling, the seed must not be buried deeper than 0.7cm.

Sowing Rate

The sowing rate of 3g/sqm is designed to produce optimum results. Reducing the sowing rate is likely to result in invasion from weed species. Increasing the sowing rate generally leads to reduced diversity as the more aggressive species will outcompete slower growing plants.

This rate also applies when overseeding into grassland as many seeds may fail to germinate due to the increased competition from the existing grasses, and some seeds not reaching the soil surface.

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About Landlife Wildflowers
About Us

Landlife Wildflowers grow and supply high-quality, native wildflower products, restoring wildflowers right across the UK. Working in conjunction with wildlife charity, Buglife, we’re bringing back Britain’s treasured wildflowers! Find out more about why we’ve been trusted by the general public, Natural England and The Wildlife Trusts for over twenty years.

Quality wildflower seed

We’re proud to supply only the highest-quality, native wildflower products - tried, tested and refined by us for two decades to ensure each and every customer is delighted with their purchase. Find out more about our commitment to the supply of native, provenance-assured wildflower products to restore Britain’s natural wildflower habitats for bees, butterflies, birds and wildlife.

Contact Landlife Wildflowers
Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, our team of wildflower experts are on hand to guide you every step of the way. We love talking about wildflowers and the quality of our products, and are pleased to help with any enquiry, including how to establish wildflowers, product recommendations and even creating custom mixtures for specific projects.