Perennial wildflower seeds form the basis of all permanent wildflower areas, flowering year after year. Use to create a long lasting wildflower area, providing winter habitats and food while creating bold colour from the second year onwards. Ideal for sowing on their own or mixed with other species to create your own wildflower mixture, or add your favourite species to our famous wildflower seed mixes.
A plant with very distinctly shaped and aromatic leaves, also with flowers that bloom in purple and pink. Perfect for pollinators, Wild Basil has plenty of uses outside the garden.
Wild Garlic grows well in damp shady conditions and is often found covering the floor in UK woodlands, where the garlic fragrance fills the air.
A very common perennial found in grassland, roadsides and waste ground. The leaves are feathery and put out a strong aroma when crushed. The small dome-liked clusters of small white flower heads are attractive to Hover Flies, ladybirds and many other insects.
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Landlife Wildflowers grow and supply high-quality, native wildflower products, restoring wildflowers right across the UK. Working in conjunction with wildlife charity, Buglife, we’re bringing back Britain’s treasured wildflowers! Find out more about why we’ve been trusted by the general public, Natural England and The National Trust for over twenty years.
We’re proud to supply only the highest-quality, native wildflower products - tried, tested and refined by us for two decades to ensure each and every customer is delighted with their purchase. Find out more about our commitment to the supply of native, provenance-assured wildflower products to restore Britain’s natural wildflower habitats for bees, butterflies, birds and wildlife.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, our team of wildflower experts are on hand to guide you every step of the way. We love talking about wildflowers and the quality of our products, and are pleased to help with any enquiry, including how to establish wildflowers, product recommendations and even creating custom mixtures for specific projects.